Paddling with Jesus
Table Talk
Setting the Table
You are welcome here. Come just as you are, catching your breath as you run to sit at Jesus’ table. Light a candle and find your stillness. Breathe in God’s goodness. Breathe out all that is not needed now. You are God’s beloved.
Consider how placing a focus on your breath allows us to be present in that very moment.
Breathing in, I calm my body. Breathing out, I smile. Dwelling in the present moment, I know this is a wonderful moment.
– Thich Nhat Hanh
“… Holy Spirit You are welcome here
Come flood this place
And fill the atmosphere
Your glory God
Is what our hearts long for…”
— "Holy Spirit" by Jesus Culture
Micah 6:8
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
Food for Thought
Five years ago, while on a family vacation, I picked up a new water hobby. Kayaks and paddleboards were accessible at the vacation home that my family and I rented for a week, and I was intrigued enough to give the paddleboards a try. It wasn’t something I got right away. I fell off more than a few times as I was learning to stay balanced on the board. I really embraced the sport once I realized that sitting and kneeling were adequate postures, and that standing on the board did not have to be the only way for me to glide on the water.
As I have stayed with it, this newly discovered hobby has also brought with it new perspectives. I am learning and growing through this sport. I still consider myself a novice, but it is as if new wings of confidence are growing every time I kneel or stand on the board. I have not taken any classes to learn how to maneuver the paddles, or to learn the nuanced strokes that get the board to move forward or backward. I have simply had to learn by getting on the board and trying — and falling — and trying again. Trial and error and lots of patience! It reminds me that adding new practices like this to my life is not about perfection, it’s about grace.
Through this practice, I am also connecting with people who are dear to me. I have found joy in sharing this experience with some of my friends. It is a communal experience that does not need much from us — no words, no agenda. But for a moment, we step away from the busyness of our everyday lives, leaving it at the shore line and gliding out into a moment of stillness. As we gently paddle around lakes and small coves, we embrace and respect the silence that envelops us together.
And I am finding new ways to listen. Truly I tell you that it is on the board, in the quiet calm, gliding on top of the water, that Jesus meets me. Friends know that I refer to this special time as “paddling with Jesus.” It is as if Jesus creates a shield between me and the rest of the world for the couple of hours I am on the board. In this space, I have learned a new way to let my heart, ears and eyes take in all that is seen and unseen. I have found a new way for me to receive, so that I can serve better or respond with continued compassion to the joys and challenges left at the shores of the lakes or coves.
I often approach the shore hungry and longing. It is not solely a physical hunger, but a spiritual hunger to tackle injustices reflected by current global events. And it is a longing for peace and rest infused with greater compassion. The scripture that has accompanied me in these precious moments has been Micah 6:8 “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
Our hearts long for God — for rest, for peace, for joy, for love — for what is, and for what human eyes cannot see, nor grasp. Our souls enter into the vastness of nature to be reunited with Oneness and feel God’s gentle touch. We seek what we have yet to perceive with human eyes. I experience this sacred embrace every time I step on my paddleboard. It continues to be manna for my soul. My time on the water reminds me how important this is — to quiet ourselves and to listen humbly for God all around us.
Take a few moments of solitude this week — maybe it’s going to a familiar place that provides you with opportunities to sit and breathe deeply. Maybe it is starting a new practice that might allow your mind to release its hold on the everyday to-do list.
If your Summer schedule is already in full swing and you are in need of a fun way to stay connected with friends and loved ones through meaningful conversation, check out The Traveling Table! This FREE downloadable eBook series, can go with you wherever you go this Summer, and there is something for everyone!
For a printable version of today's reflection Click Here!
Loving God,
Helps us to find the courage to leave the disruptions of the world on the sideline, at the bush, at the well, and seek to open our heart and hands to be touched by Jesus’ hunger for mercy, peace and love. May we receive your holy anointing.
A little Table Talk for your table...
Talk together about some of the ways you are able to find peace and allow yourself to look for God’s presence all around you.
What is something you have always wanted to try? (A new sport, a new artistic practice, etc.)
How can you incorporate more moments of solitude into your regular routine? Make a list together, you never know what you can learn from other suggestions.
Try taking it to the Kids Table...
Chat with your kiddo about the activities they enjoy doing in the summer - ones that bring them lots of joy. Maybe write them down, and schedule a time to do at least one of them this week.
Get creative! Have your kiddo draw a picture of one of those favorite activities, and allow them to cut out, glue, color, in whatever way they are inspired to do so!
Go for a walk together, or maybe just look out the window. Take a few moments to talk about where you see God all around you.
Meet our Welcoming Voice!
Rev. Sandra Dorsainvil is a Ministry Coach & Retreat Facilitator through the Center for Career Development & Ministry. She also responds to individual and corporate ministry needs within and outside the U.S. as an independent consultant at CONNECT-SD, LLC. Sandra holds advanced degrees in psychology, rehabilitation counseling, and pastoral ministry; she is an ordained minister with ABC-USA, as well as a published author and retreat leader. Sandra is passionate about missions and enjoys paddle boarding.
To hear more from Sandra throughout the week, follow along on our Instagram!
Here are Five Things to Remember When Setting Your Own Welcome Table!